Niteco has recently become aware of scammer activity involving the Niteco brand. Scammers have reportedly been calling job seekers and asking them for private information with the promise of a job interview at Niteco’s offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

To recognize a scam attempt, please keep the following in mind:

👉 Niteco recruiters will only use email addresses ending in;

👉 Niteco recruiters will never ask for any kind of financial information or other sensitive personal information via email, on the phone, or on any kind of messaging or social media platform;

👉 Niteco recruiters will never ask for any kind of payment for arranging or facilitating a job interview at Niteco.

If you receive any suspicious request purportedly from Niteco, please alert us at:

📩 Email:

📞 Phone: +8424 3573 9623

Thank you!

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