


Vintec looked for a website upgrade to improve product showcasing, customer experience, and navigation across multiple markets, including Australia and New Zealand, with flexibility for future expansion to 14 other regions.


Niteco improved website performance and UI/UX by migrating to a faster server, using the award-winning AEG codebase, and enabling easier maintenance and content personalization.


  • Improved navigation and category sliders led to higher click rates across the site.
  • Engagement increased with 20% of users now reaching the end of the homepage, up from 5%.
  • Successful launches in Taiwan and Thailand, supporting Vintec’s market expansion plans.

The Challenge

Vintec needed a website upgrade for both the Australia and New Zealand markets that could deliver a cohesive solution, allowing for better showcasing of their premium products and an improved customer experience.

The existing sites’ performance, page structure and UI/UX design needed to be upgraded for a more modern feel and increased relevance to the target customers. Vintec requested Niteco to build a more consumer-friendly navigation and more well-structured website.

Besides having to work for both the Australia and New Zealand markets, this multilingual, multi-market solution also needed to be flexible enough to be optimized for other markets targeted by the brand, accommodating the unique characteristics of all 14 markets – among them the US, Mexico, Japan, China and Singapore.

Despite Covid-19 causing delays in the process, Niteco’s development and design team set a tight deadline of 3 months from February to mid-May 2022 to launch the site for the first 2 markets.

The Solution

Niteco’s team started off with extensive qualitative and quantitative research to make suggestions and upgrades for a more cohesive and cost-effective solution regarding website performance and UI/UX design.

For improved performance, Niteco migrated the sites to a new server that would allow for greater speed and security, with a CDN cutting loading speeds for users even further.

Vintec and Niteco agreed to use the Australian AEG website’s codebase – a website with major UX and performance enhancements that won the Optimizely Optimizer Award for Most Customer Centric Digital Experience – as a foundation, and migrate the Vintec website for easier maintenance in the long term. One of the major beneficial changes made possible by this process is content block sharing – if one block is updated, the changes will be applied to all products with the same content, which allows for easier content updates, automation and personalization of the sites.

Niteco’s website development experts focused on the migration project while making sure website performance and speeds were improved. Simultaneously, Niteco’s UI/UX designers built on the current sites’ user interface and experience, leveraging new designs and reordering information flow, with mobile optimization being prioritized every step of the way. Each visual element is optimized for a more consistent brand identity.

Content was also optimized for better performance and SEO health, with content improvements for other markets to follow.

Services Delivered:

The Result

With the site going live for the Australia and New Zealand markets in May 2022, website performance was significantly improved, with web speed scores increased up to 98% according to PageSpeed Insights. With a Best Practice Score of 100, the Product Listing Page is fully loaded within 1.4s, with a Start Render index of 0.8s.

The Product Detail Page is fully loaded in 1.8s, with a speed index of 0.9s. The page’s Lighthouse performance score also improved considerably, from 46 to 98/100. Thanks to the content and SEO work done by Niteco’s teams, in line with Electrolux Group’s briefs, the Lighthouse SEO score for the Product Detail Page increased as well, from 73 to 92/100.

As a result, there was a significant increase in engagement post-launch, as conversion rates for actions like clicking on a “Buy Online” popup increased by 10.7% and clicks on the “Find a Store” functionality increased by up to 1,000%. The Average Session Duration also increased by 14% compared to the old site.

With the improvements made to the user interface and the user experience, the navigation and category slider now also receives more clicks. It’s also clear that users find the Homepage more engaging and relevant, as on both mobile and desktop, 20% of users made it to the end of the page, compared to just 5% before the site redevelopment. Content blocks on the homepage also receive considerably more clicks than before. This results in boosted click rates throughout the site and provides for a solid underpinning for Vintec’s ensuing market expansion in the region.

In the months following the initial launch in Australia and New Zealand, the Taiwan and Thailand markets followed with their own launches in Chinese and Thai, respectively.